HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone, and thank you for 2016 which was packed with great music and wonderful people for me. lots of traveling, new pieces, new collaborations…. and more to come soon. Here are some memories, thank you to all the people who have helped to make all this possible.

caja de viento – workshops and concerts in Mexico as part of the dual year Germany-Mexico
charity concert in Hamburg for the Syrian Expat Orchestra, together with Jehad Jazbeh
charity concert in Hamburg for the Syrian Expat Orchestra, together with Jehad Jazbeh


concert tour with Collect/Project
concert tour with Collect/Project


Duo Premiere with Heather Roche
Duo Premiere with Heather Roche


Kranichmuseum Hessenburg
Kranichmuseum Hessenburg


Kammermusikfestival Nürnberg
Kammermusikfestival Nürnberg


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I have launched a CALL FOR SCORES as part of my current project “caja de viento” which is an official part of this year´s  Germany-Mexico year
Students who are inscribed at a Mexican University may submit new miniature pieces for solo accordion. A selection of those pieces will be premiered in a concert atGoethe Institute Mexico City as part of their tonalÁtonal series in May 2017.

Find more info here in Spanish:
Caja de viento: contemporary accordion in Mexico

Lineamientos para la recepcion de partituras
Como parte de su proyecto caja de viento la acordeonista alemana Eva Zöllner lanzará una convocatoria dirigida a jóvenes compositores, que quisieran explorar el acordeón contemporáneo como un instrumento solo.
La convocatoria, estaría fortalecida por una serie de talleres en diferentes instituciones a lo largo del país en 2016
Los estudiantes de composición que estuvieren estudiando en alguna escuela de Musica en México pueden asimismo participar en la competencia
Se les solicitará entregar  una miniatura para acordeón solo (o acordeón con sonidos electroacústicos, maximo a dos canales ) de máximo 4 minutos de duración.
Esta pieza no puede haber sido estrenada ni publicada con anterioridad.
La convocatoria esta oabierta a todos los estilos, en el rango de la música contemporánea de concierto. Sin embargo,
se les anima a escoger una aproximación composiciones que puedan reflejar so rol artístico como compositores del mundo de hoy. Ya sea culturalmente, personalmente, políticamente…dejen volar su creatividad!!

La FECHA LIMITE para entregar sus piezas es Enero 10 de 2017

Favor de enviar la partitura con un pequeño texto acerca de la pieza , en PDF a eva/at/eva-zoellner.de

Se deberá tambien enviar datos de contacto, que incluyen
Nombre completo
Fecha de nacimiento
Credencial que corrobore que están inscritos en alguna Institucion de Estudios Musicales, o que han terminado sus estudios en 2016
Es posible enviar mas de una partitura, pero no más de 3.

El jurado será conformado por
Eva Zöllner, acordeonista Hamburgo,Alemania
Prof. Ipke Starke, compositor, Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Alemania
Georgina Derbez, compositora SNCA, Centro Nacional de Las Artes, Ciudad de México

Ellos escogerán 5 piezas que serán estrenadas por Eva Zöllner en el concierto final del proyecto en la ciudad de México en la Primavera de 2017. Alguna de las piezas del concierto, la cual se considere como la más sobresaliente,sera anunciada previo al concierto para un premio especial ( con un valor de 4 mil pesos mexicanos),

Es posible seguir la información acerca de las fechas de los talleres, conciertos, noticias sobre la convocatoria en la página de facebook del proyecto caja de viento – acordeón contemporáneo en México

Caja de viento  es un proyecto de la acordeonista alemana Eva Zöllner cuya meta es promover el acordeón contemporáneo en México. Tendrá lugar en varias ciudades de México en el periodo que va de Junio 2016 hasta mayo de 2017 gracias al apoyoque es recibido siendo parte del año dual ALEMANIA-MEXICO www.alemania-mexico.com

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Gary Rouzer has just released two rather nice improv pieces that we recorded in an old railway tunnel in Alexandria, Virginia last year. Check it out!

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I am proud to announce that I have joined the transatlantic ensemble COLLECT/PROJECT! With Frauke Aulbert (voice), Shanna Gutierrez (flute) and Francisco Castillo Trigueros (electronics) I will from now on discover experimental music projects between Hamburg and Chicago. Flease find more info on the collect/project Website Collect-Project_klein

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Radio feature by Leonie Reineke about my work and life as a traveling musician.
“Unterwegssein – die Akkordeonistin Eva Zöllner”

31st June 0.05 am on Deutschlandradio Kultur

With music by Antti Saario, Gordon Kampe, Daniel Quaranta, Georgina Derbez, Reso Kiknadze, Neele Hülcker und Alexandra Cárdenas

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I am very grateful for all the people who came to join us for our charity concert last Friday in Hamburg!
I performed with composer Carlos Andres Rico from Colombia and with Syrian composer and violinist Jehad Jazbeh and it was an intense evening with colourful music. We collected donations for the Syrian Expat Philharmonic Orchestra and for an initiative from Hamburg that donates bikes to refugees. Thank you everybody!

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Benefizkonzert_Eva Zöllner ferne-nähe

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My project “caja de viento” got selected as one of the official projects of the Mexico – Germany year 2016. There will be workshops and concerts in different parts of the country followed by a call for scores for composers. The first trip will already happen in June 2016 and will take me to Mexico City, Puebla and Guadalajara.
More places to follow in November. Thank you to the matching funds of the Dual Year for support!

This project will also mark the 10th anniversary of my regular work in Mexico which has been very inspiring and prosperous and also a great personal experience over the years.

You can find up to date information about the concerts, workshops and other activities on the facebook page of the project caja de viento. Please visit and follow.

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2015 was a year full of great experiences, exciting projects and inspiring encounters. MANY THANKS to all friends, partners, colleagues, composers, audiences, organizers and all the other amazing people who are constantly following and supporting my work. HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!
There s some great new music coming along soon in 2016. Stay tuned!
Here are some memories from 2015:

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I very excited about the premier of Georgina Derbez´ new chamber opera “La Creciente” which will be premiered at the Festival Internacional Cervantino on October 9. The opera is based on the movie “El premio” by Argentinian movie director Paula Markovitch who also wrote the libretto. It is a very touching story that is set at the time of the Argentinian military junta. The instrumentation will be colourful and transparent: clarinet, vibraphone/percussion, accordion and piano.

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